3rd Annual Tri-County Kingdom Outdoorsmen Golden Gobbler Contest
Who: 2 categories:
Youth: 12-15
Adult: 16 and up
What: Golden Gobbler Contest, Largest Turkey per NWTF standards, website with link to scoring calculator: https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
When: During legal NYS turkey hunting season.
Youth: April 22& 23 and May 1-31
Adult: May 1-31
Where: NYS
How: Free to enter you must harvest a turkey and have it scored
Must be harvested according to all NYS regulations
Must be brought to one of the following official scorers within 24 hours. Call to make arrangements:
Ben Heckathorn 716-474-5703
Bucky Carder 716-560-3410
Pictures and leader board posted on Tri-County Kingdom Outdoorsmen facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TriCountyKingdomArchers throughout event.
Runner-up: $25 Machias outdoors gift cert
Champion: $50 Machias outdoors gift cert, Golden Gobbler Trophy and name engraved on Lord Bucky’s Golden Gobbler trophy
Runner-up: $25 Machias outdoors gift cert
Champion: $50 Machias outdoors gift cert, Golden Gobbler Trophy and name engraved on Lord Bucky’s Golden Gobbler trophy