Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

PCF Men’s Ministry

The PCF Men’s Ministry consists of Men of Valor Care Group, CaveTime Care Group, Tri-County Kingdom Outdoorsmen,  and the Helping Hands ministry (see more information below). In addition the PCF Men’s Ministry also has occasional outings, meetings, breakfasts and outreach opportunities to benefit the community. 

Men of Valor is a CareGroup for men that meets on Thursday Nights from 6:30PM – 8:30PM in the PCF Library. They spend time studying the Bible, building each other up and time in prayer.

CaveTime  is a Men’s CareGroup that meets Thursday mornings at 5:00am for an hour in the  Prayer Room (under the GYM). If you’re interested in attending, please contact Ben Heckathorn  at (7) 474-5703.

Tri-County Kingdom Outdoorsmen is a club for men, women and children who enjoy hunting, fishing and the great outdoors. Every year they host a Sportsmen’s Dinner and in the summer they put on an 8-week outdoor 3d Archery League. Head on over to the events page for upcoming events or check out their Facebook page.


Single Mothers Oilchange is an outreach led by the Men’s Ministry to help Single Mothers in need. This outreach is held two times a year and provides free oil & filter changes for single mothers.  Stay tuned for more information.

Helping Hands is a ministry that helps PCF members in need with small handyman projects around their homes. This is a ministry that operates on a case-by-case basis and is led by Frank Matiasz.