Sermons on anxiety

Safe & Sound – Even though I walk through….

Valleys are tough seasons in our lives and we all have to go through them. This week, Pastor Josh breaks down, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…” So whether you’re in a valley currently, just got out of one or about to enter into one, you need to listen to this message!

Satisfied – Week 8 – Philippians 4:2-9

Let’s be honest, everyone worries and most of the time worrying causes unwanted stress and anxiety. Our hearts get so focused on our worries that we are ultimately rendered useless to the things God called us to. This week, Pastor Jeff dissects Philippians 4:2-9 and explains what God says about worrying.

Peace of Mind

We all want peace of mind, don’t we? In this message, Pastor Scott Laird explains to us how the human brain functions, how the enemy of our souls is attacking us and how Jesus has saved us. In a nutshell, we can all have peace of mind in Jesus!