Sermons by Pastor Josh Wypij (Page 6)

The Great Rescue – The Great Plan

Something stirs within our hearts when we hear about a great rescue. Stories like; Baby Jessica in the well, the Chilean miners, Captain Philips and Apollo 13. We love to hear about these stories because it gives us Hope to be Rescued by a Hero. This week, Pastor Josh speaks to us about the Great Plan for the Greatest Rescue of all time.

Satisfied – Week 7

Is life about the arrival or the journey? Is it about perfection or progress? Pastor Josh explains that this life with Jesus is more about the journey. We’re all on a journey. We’re all a work in progress.


The Millennial generation have a nickname, The Selfie Generation. This nick name is based on their proficiency with technology but also  their selfishness. However, the millennial’s are the only selfish generation.  In this message, Pastor Josh Wypij explains how we’re all selfish and he shows several ways that we can fight the selfie mindset.


This week Pastor Josh speaks about Philippians 4:13  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me“. He explains how easy it is to dissect this verse and believe in lies from the enemy.

The Hunt Week 3

Having faith that you will meet with God is essential for the Christian faith. A hunter needs to hunt and a Christian needs to pursue God. Pastor Josh explains to us the importance of having faith and the four Faith Killers that we need to be aware of.


Jesus said some pretty difficult things. Sometimes we tend to skip over the tough sayings because it’s too difficult or too challenging. In this message, Pastor Josh walks through one of the toughest sayings of Jesus, “Love Your Enemies” and explains why we must commit to this if we want to see the Kingdom of God advance.